My name is Robert Shushich, and I’m a strategic copywriter who has contributed to over $211M in sales.

My goal is simple: help you earn more, have more fun, and get more in life with one tip every day.

It was a rainy afternoon in June 2016. I remember feeling the breeze coming through the window. In normal circumstances, I’d have smiled. But not that day.

I couldn’t.

Every muscle in my body was screaming in protest. I felt my left leg pulsating as if it was about to explode. The pain was unrelenting.

It felt like a tidal wave crashing my leg over and over again.

Every movement was a battle I was losing. You’d have thought, by now, I was used to the pain. After all, this was only a few years after breaking my other leg.

But that wasn’t the case.

I was desperate for any distraction from the torment. Instead, all I could do was face the harsh reality. I recall thinking “I’ll be in this bed for months… without any income.” Back then, I wondered what my options were…

… What the best path forward was, just like you’re probably doing now.

I’m here to help you get rid of this dilemma.

My name is Robert Shushich, and I’m a strategic copywriter who has contributed to over $211M in sales.

Today, I write daily emails for copywriters and marketers. My goal is simple: help you earn more, have more fun, and get more in life.

I started this newsletter in 2023 because I was sick and tired of the lousy emails I was receiving in my inbox. Most emails blatantly sold me stuff. I didn’t feel like I was getting any value as a reader. I didn’t feel valued as a reader.

I knew I was a random subscriber who was there to contribute to one thing only: $.

Even after subscribing to hundreds of email lists and reading thousands of emails, I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Instead I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth because I felt my inbox was violated.

My trust has been betrayed.

That’s when I sat down and thought of creating my email list. On one side, I started writing my daily newsletter for myself. Every email feels like I’m journaling in public about my knowledge and things I find interesting and inspiring.

But also things I did wrong, things I wish someone taught me when I was starting out.

Put simply, I write my emails daily to share what I know in a manner I know other creators aren’t doing.

Here’s what I mean by that.

My values are at the root of everything I do. Everything is a projection of my character. It starts with me providing value to every reader by sharing my mistakes, failures, and successes.

Unlike others, I want to show it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. After all, I’m an imperfect human being like you.

That's how I started my email list in 2023. Ever since then, I've met amazing people and grown my network. Most importantly, my content has helped thousands of copywriters.

Today I invite you to join those thousands of copywriters by subscribing below.

Robert Shushich launched as an independent publication in April 2023. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website and email newsletters about new content when available. I appreciate you taking the time to my content – it helps me keep publishing on Thank you!

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